Search code examples

sencha add list to panel,then add panel to my controller

when i write code direct in my view .the list success display in my tabpanel's tab.look the view underneath

            xtype: 'tabpanel',
            itemId: 'tabfirst',
            flex: 1,
            //activeItem: 1,
            tabBar: {
                layout: {
                    pack: 'center'
            items: [
                    title: 'tab1',
                    xtype: 'list',
                    itemTpl: '{title}',
                    data: [
                        {title : 'title1'},
                        {title : 'title2'},
                        {title : 'title3'}
                    title: 'tab2',
                    html: 'here second html2'

but it not success in my controller. there is nothing in my tab.

extend: '',
launch: function(){
    var moneytab = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('.makemoney #tabfirst')[0];//--get my tabpanel
    var titlestor = Ext.create('');//---get my store
        callback: function(records, operation, success){
            Ext.each(records, function(record){
                var loanname = record.get('loanname');
                var myPanel = Ext.create('Ext.Panel',{ 
                    //the code is same in my view but not work
                    title: loanname,
                    xtype: 'list',
                    itemTpl: '{title}',
                    data: [
                        {title : 'title1'},
                        {title : 'title2'},
                        {title : 'title3'}
               //add above panel

when i add only "title" and "html" in panel,it work. then i change it to success in direct write in view. but it not work write it direct in controller.


  • Use this code to add List. It will work.

    var myPanel = Ext.create('Ext.List', {
    //the code is same in my view but not work
    title: loanname,
    itemTpl: '{title}',
    data: [
        { title: 'title1' },
        { title: 'title2' },
        { title: 'title3' }