In our Yii project we're using Jenkins CI and Codeception for different types of tests. The problem is, that codeception report is empty, which causes whole Jenkins build failure.
All tests are running without errors. Jenkins execute shell for codeception:
php codecept.phar run --xml --html
Console output error line which causes failure:
[xUnit] [ERROR] - The result file '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/project/workspace/code/protected/tests/_output/report.xml' for the metric 'PHPUnit' is empty. The result file has been skipped.
I understand simple logic, if report is empty -> build failed. But why is report empty? Is that a bug or can I do something about this?
The problem was, that in one of our tearDowns was the following line:
which makes Yii-Application die. For some reasons this caused that codeception has not generated the report.