I find this question but it could be deprecated and is not resolve my problem at all. I consider how to loop throw asp:radiobuttonlist which is already bound with data and set visible parameter of specific item. For example I have five items in a radiobuttonlist and I want to make visible only item 1 and item 4.
You could store the items you want to keep, then clear the items and add the stored items:
int[] keepIndexes = { 0, 3 }; // item 1 and 4
ListItem[] keepItems = keepIndexes.Select(i => rbl.Items[i]).ToArray();
This is the approach if you really want to make them "invisible" since there is no property Visible
in ListItem
. But maybe you are confusing it with Enabled
then this is more appropriate:
for (int i = 0; i < rbl.Items.Count; i++)
rbl.Items[i].Enabled = keepIndexes.Contains(i);