I want to create an image fallback in case a video couldn't be loaded. I found out that the solution is to use media events for this problem. However, they don't seem to work as expected.
* Dynamically load the video within the given slide.
var loadVideo = function(slide) {
var video = $('<video muted>'),
source = $('<source>', {
src: slide.attr('data-video'),
type: 'video/mp4'
video[0].addEventListener('canplay', revealVideo(video), false);
video[0].addEventListener('error', function() {
alert('Video could not be loaded.');
// fallback
}, false);
video[0].onended = function() { replayVideo(video) };
It doesn't matter whether the video is succesfully loaded or not, revealVideo()
will always get called. The eventListener error
is never triggered (for instance when using a src
which doesn't exist).
I found the solution. It appears that the <source>
element is recieving errors, not the video element itself.