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PayPal PHP SDK - payment creation doesn't work on production - empty response

I'm just facing that problem for hours. This complete app works locally (OSX/MAMP/modphp/PHP 5.5.18) but for some reason on the production server the payment creation fails: White/Empty response. No Exception, no max_execution time limit reached also HTTP 200. PHP and Apache logs are just fine and also there are no errors on the screen.

Everything before $payment->create($this->apiContext); gets executed - after that line the result is blank page.

The production server runs Ubuntu 14.04 / Apache 2.4.7 / modphp / PHP 5.5.9

Here is the code:

public function create($data)
    $payer = new Payer();

    $total    = 0.0;
    $shipping = 0.0;
    foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
        $item = new Item();
            ->setCurrency(Option::get('general-settings', 'currency'))

        $items[] = $item;
        $total += $value->price * $value->amount;

    if ($total < 100) {
        $shipping += 10;

    $itemList = new ItemList();

    $details = new Details();

    $amount = new Amount();
    $amount->setCurrency(Option::get('general-settings', 'currency'))

    $transaction = new Transaction();
        ->setDescription("JustinRein Auftag")

    $baseUrl = "";
    $redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls();

    $payment = new Payment();

    try {

    } catch (Exception $ex) {

    return $payment;

This runs also on paypal sandbox mode. The paypal logfile is also empty.


  • Posting here to close out the question. Question author investigated and found a third party library that he was using which was suppressing the error that he needed to see with a '@' operator. After removing the '@' operator (temporarily?) he was able to correct the problem with the PayPal SDK that he was using.