I'm having trouble trying to get a confirmation box when someone change the value in a h:selectOneMenu and if the person accept, then the value changes, otherwise it return to its original value.
I do not know how to manage to do this, I have made some research but most of the answer I found were for PrimeFaces (which I do not use).
Here's the relevant part of code with the selectOneMenu :
<ui:repeat value="#{CommandeBean.choixMetaProprietes}" var="choixMetaProprietes">
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{choixMetaProprietes.metaProprieteSelectionnee}">
<f:selectItems noSelectionValue="#{CommandeBean.retrieveDefaultMetaProprietesValue()}" value="#{choixMetaProprietes.metaProprietes}" var="metaPropriete" itemLabel="#{metaProprieteConverter.getMetaProprieteLabel(metaPropriete)}" itemValue="#{metaPropriete}"/>
<f:converter converterId="com.festo.didactic.ca.webapp.entreecommandes.converter.MetaProprieteConverter"/>
I'm open to any idea that could help me solve this problem.
I finally manage to do it by storing the data in an input hidden and then compare the actual value of the selectOneMenu with the input in query.
i was then able to call a confirmation box via confirm('blabla bla')
the result would then tell me if i need to keep the value or put the previous one.