I am trying to rebuild a multidex (classes2.dex), however I get the following smali errors:
shazaam.apk.dex2.smali\com\facebook\AdAction.smali[57,9] Class Lcom/facebook/ads/internal/action/AdAction; has already been interned
shazaam.apk.dex2.smali\com\facebook\AdActionFactory.smali[5,67] Class Lcom/facebook/ads/internal/action/AdActionFactory; has already been interned
shazaam.apk.dex2.smali\com\facebook\ads\Ad.smali[10,15] Class Lcom/facebook/ads/Ad; has already been interned
It looks like that each class has a private static field:
.class public Lcom/mopub/mobileads/factories/CustomEventBannerFactory;
.super Ljava/lang/Object;
.source "SourceFile"
.field private static a:Lcom/mopub/mobileads/factories/CustomEventBannerFactory;
What does the error really mean?
This likely means that you have more than one .smali file for each of the mentioned classes.
If this is not the case, then this is likely a bug in smali - which can be reported at https://github.com/JesusFreke/smali/issues