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jQuery parents() example not working

Hello everyone and thank you for your time,

I have been fiddling with jQuery recently (in short, I'm a newbie) and I was interested in the "parents()" method. In the article on, they show an example that allows to display every parent of a < b > tag.

Here is the link:

And the script in the example:

var parentEls = $( "b" ).parents()
  .map(function() {
    return this.tagName;
  .join( ", " );
$( "b" ).append( "<strong>" + parentEls + "</strong>" );

Well, I tried to recreate this example on to really understand how it works, I simply copy & pasted but alas it doesn't work. I'm at a loss as for why it wouldn't work so I ask kindly if I did anything wrong in copying the example.

Here is the link:

Thanks in advance for your precious help!



  • On the left side of JSfiddle you didn't choose the library/framework.

    Select jQuery 1.8.3 and it works.