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How to fix issue of Spring data neo4j 4 deleting previous relationships when adding new ones?

I am using SDN4 and facing the issue of previous relationships getting deleted on adding new different ones. Here is my scenario,

Step 1 Create a node with some relationships using Relationship entities. save the relationship entity.

Step 2 get the node based on some properties using Spring Repository and Cypher and add new different relationships. Here is my fetch API:

public interface ProductRepository extends GraphRepository<Product>{
   @Query("MATCH (c:Product {uuid:{0}}) RETURN c")
   Product findByUuid(String uuid);

save the relationship entity

after doing this, the relationships added in step 1 are lost, but those in step 2 persist.

on doing some debugging, i can see that the Node entities returned by a fetch using Cypher and Spring Repository has null value for relationship entity.

Note: If I do not do step 2, then relations in step 1 are reflected correctly.

Could someone please let me know If i am missing something or if this is an issue.I am not seeing a way to specify depth in this case unless this is somewhere in the cypher.


  • For others reference, I followed Option b as suggested by @Luanne.

    here is code snippet

    def getByUuid[T](klazz: Class[T], uuid: String): T = {
        IterableUtils.getSingleOrNull(session.loadAll(klazz, new Filter("uuid", uuid), 1))