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Windows Phone Maps: Layer from GeoServer

What would be the easiest way to draw a map layer from GeoServer on Windows Phone?

From GeoServer's output formats (GeoJSON, KML, GeoRSS, Shapefile, CSV...) which do you think is more easily manipulated and converted into a Windows Phone's Map Layer's element such as a polygon?

What APIs or tutorials do you recommend about these subject?


  • I've opted for the GeoJSON format:

    string _buldingUrl = "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/Utad/ows?service=WFS&version=1.0.0&request=GetFeature&typeName=Utad:build&maxFeatures=50&outputFormat=application/json";

    That string is the standard output when we select the layer as GeoJSON. We need to pay attention to the &maxFeatures=50 parameters and set it for the for the value that we need.

    Then I've the method that handles the Json result, and uses the map control as parameter.

    async public void DrawRoomsonMap(Map Mapa)
               ... //Response Reading
                //used the:
                var reader = new GeoJsonReader();
                //read the json map features to a list with the help of GeoJsnoReader
                var features2 = (Geo.IO.GeoJson.FeatureCollection)reader.Read(jsonText);
                var list = features2.Features.ToList();
                //clear map elements
                //my own implementation for getting elements with a specific property, in this case a lever of some value 
                foreach (var item in list.Where(x=> x.Properties["level"].ToString() == _currentLevel.ToString()))
                    //converted the geometry property of each item to a Wkt string, and extracted the polygons to and array
                    var b = item.Geometry.ToWktString();
                    b = b.Replace("MULTIPOLYGON", "").Replace("(((", "").Replace(")))", "").TrimStart(' ');
                    var c = b.Split(',');
                    //Created a MapPolygon object and GeoCoordinates collection
                    MapPolygon polygon = new MapPolygon();
                    GeoCoordinateCollection coordenadas = new GeoCoordinateCollection();
                    //added the coordinates to the polygon
                    foreach (var coor in c)
                        var x = coor.TrimStart(' ');
                        var lat = x.Split(' ')[0].Replace(".",",");
                        var lon = x.Split(' ')[1].Replace(".", ",");
                        double latitude = double.Parse(lat);
                        double longitude = double.Parse(lon);
                        coordenadas.Add(new GeoCoordinate(longitude, latitude));
                    //polygon properties and added to the map control.
                    polygon.Path = coordenadas;
                    polygon.FillColor = fixColor(item.Properties["bpart"].ToString());
                    polygon.StrokeColor = Colors.White;
                    polygon.StrokeThickness = 3;                

    The process for points and lines is easy to go on from this.