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Solr new Core from UI

I'm trying to create a new Core with Solr 5.3. I have no experience working with Solr until a few days ago. I think I need this broken down Barney style. I've been through the system doc, wiki's, YouTube, and random discussion boards. The information I've found is either not current or not what I'm seeing from my UI. I've now wasted five hours trying to get this to work. I'm out of options. I'm about ready to drop this project and start from scratch. I'm completely exasperated and throwing myself to the mercy of my betters. Can anyone just show me how to do it?


  • I followed the following steps for adding a core using solr admin UI.

    1. Start the solr server using ~/solr-5.2.0/bin/solr start. This will start the solr on 8983 port.
    2. Now go to solr directory. cd ~/solr-5.2.0/server/solr.
    3. Create a new folder, which will contain the solr core configuration. mkdir newCore.
    4. Now create a conf directory in side the newCore and copy your schema.xml and solrconfig.xml along with other necessary files.
    5. Go to Solr Admin UI, Core Admims section. Specify the core name, as per your requirement and newCore (name of the directory which we have created) in the instanceDir field. Click the Add Core button.