I am able to run the serenity test cases by using gradle. I use the command $ gradle clean test aggregate
. Reports are also getting generated however when I click on the links provided in the Reports it fails to navigate and gives an error message. I have created the package structure as mentioned in the link below.
However still I'm not able to resolve this. Below are my Runner, Step definition and repository class.
Runner Class:
@CucumberOptions(features = "src/test/resources/features/LoginFeatureSerenity.feature")
public class TestRunnerSerenity {
Step Definition class:
package org.gradle.stepdef;
public class LoginStepDefSerenity {
public WebDriver driver;
public Pages pages;
LoginPageRepository page;
// Scenario 1: Verify New Serenity Test Case
@Given("^User is on LoginSerenity Page$")
public void user_is_on_LoginSerenity_Page() throws Throwable {
@When("^User enters valid Serenity credentials$")
public void user_enters_valid_Serenity_credentials() throws Throwable {
@Then("^User is able to login Serenity$")
public void user_is_able_to_login_Serenity() throws Throwable {
assertThat(page.loginValidationMessage.getText(), is("Login failed"));
// page.logoutButon.click();
Repository Class
public class LoginPageRepository extends PageObject {
@FindBy(id = "username")
protected WebElement username;
public void setusername(String value) {
public WebElementFacade username() {
return element(username);
// Fields for Password
@FindBy(id = "password")
protected WebElement password;
public void setpassword(String value) {
public WebElementFacade password() {
return element(password);
Can you please help me on this. Thanks in advance
Fortunately I got the solution of this. In the build.gradle below plugin needs to be added so that it will handle the reporting part.
apply plugin: 'com.jfrog.bintray'
Thanks for your help on this.