I am trying to run a program which search Instagram for pictures of a specific hashtag. Below is my code for the program. When I am running the program, it is not showing any error, but it is returning "filenotfoundexception" from Instagram. I think it is in the endpoint URL, but I can't exactly figure out where I am making the mistake. How do I figure it out?
public class SearchActivity extends Activity {
public EditText edtSearch;
private final String INSTA_CONS_ID = "xxxx";
private final String INSTA_CONS_SEC_KEY = "xxxx";
public static final String APIURL = "https://api.instagram.com/v1/tags";
ListView list;
public int index;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Button btnInsta =(Button)findViewById(R.id.btnInsta);
edtSearch =(EditText)findViewById(R.id.edtSearch);
list = (ListView)findViewById(R.id.list);
btnInsta.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
new SearchOnInstagram().execute(edtSearch.getText().toString());
class SearchOnInstagram extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Integer> {
final List<Instagram> inst = new ArrayList<Instagram>();
final int SUCCESS = 0;
final int FAILURE = SUCCESS + 1;
ProgressDialog dialog;
protected void onPreExecute() {
dialog = ProgressDialog.show(SearchActivity.this, "", getString(R.string.searchinginsta));
protected Integer doInBackground(String... params) {
try {
Query query = new Query(params[0]);
String urlString = APIURL + "/"+ query +"/media/recent?client_id=" + INSTA_CONS_ID;
URL url = new URL(urlString);
InputStream inputStream = url.openConnection().getInputStream();
String response = streamToString(inputStream);
JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(response).nextValue();
JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("data");
for (int i =0; i<= jsonArray.length(); i++) {
JSONObject mainImageJsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(index).getJSONObject("images").getJSONObject("standard_resolution");
String imageUrlString = mainImageJsonObject.getString("url");
String userName = "@Arnab";
Instagram instItem = new Instagram(userName,imageUrlString);
return SUCCESS;
catch (Exception e) {
return FAILURE;
protected void onPostExecute(Integer result)
if (result == SUCCESS) {
list.setAdapter(new InstagramAdapter(SearchActivity.this, inst));
Toast.makeText(SearchActivity.this, getString(R.string.error), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
public static String streamToString(InputStream p_is)
BufferedReader m_br;
StringBuffer m_outString = new StringBuffer();
m_br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p_is));
String m_read = m_br.readLine();
while(m_read != null)
m_read =m_br.readLine();
return m_outString.toString();
catch (Exception p_ex)
return "";
I am getting the following exception
09-09 16:20:10.070 25571-25625/com.example.smarthelp W/System.err? java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://api.instagram.com/v1/tags/Query{query='india', lang='null', locale='null', maxId=-1, count=-1, since='null', sinceId=-1, geocode='null', until='null', resultType='null', nextPageQuery='null'}/media/recent?client_id=xxx
09-09 16:20:10.070 25571-25625/com.example.smarthelp W/System.err? at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:197)
09-09 16:20:10.070 25571-25625/com.example.smarthelp W/System.err? at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:210)
09-09 16:20:10.070 25571-25625/com.example.smarthelp W/System.err? at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:25)
09-09 16:20:10.070 25571-25625/com.example.smarthelp W/System.err? at com.example.smarthelp.SearchActivity$SearchOnInstagram.doInBackground(SearchActivity.java:156)
What is the Query
class / object?
Your URL is mal-formed.
Query query = new Query(params[0]);
String urlString = APIURL + "/"+ query +"/media/recent?client_id=" + INSTA_CONS_ID;
URL url = new URL(urlString);
Should instead be
String urlString = APIURL + "/"+ params[0] +"/media/recent?client_id=" + INSTA_CONS_ID;
URL url = new URL(urlString);
But there must be a reason the Query
object is used. So the above is not the most elegant way, but it should work.