I'd like JDBI to convert autogenerated primary key (Long value) to another class.
public interface SystemDao {
@SqlUpdate("insert into systems(device_id, user_id) values(:deviceId.value, :userId.value)")
SystemId insert(@BindBean("deviceId") DeviceId deviceId, @BindBean("userId") UserId userId);
My mapper:
public class SystemIdMapper implements ResultSetMapper<SystemId> {
public SystemId map(int index, ResultSet r, StatementContext ctx) {
return new SystemId(0L); //fake mapping to simplify example
When I run my code I got NullPointerException in FigureItOutResultSetMapper.map(..) because
f = factory.mapperFor(rt, ctx);
set f to null. So my guess is that my mapper is incorrectly registered.
Except of using @RegisterMapper and @Mapper(SystemIdMapper.class) annotations I've also tried:
dbi.registerMapper(new SystemIdMapper());
but still with no luck.
You need to specify mapper in GetGeneratedKeys annotation.
@Mapper or @RegisterMapper is not used for getting the id back. It is used only during selecting values from table.