I am using extjs 5 on web app using sencha CMD layout (mvvm) and would like to bind a store (for labels) to filter list in my view grid the viewModel store definition is:
stores: {
labelContacts: {
model: 'myapp.model.label.Contact'
, autoLoad: true
} // end contact store
} // end stores
and my list filter code in view grid
filter: {
type: 'list',
bind: {store: '{labelContacts}'}
labelField: 'DisplayValue',
valueField: 'keyId'
the filter works but it doesn't show data from the bound store but creates it's own from the grid's store
am I missing some thing?
I found a workaround to get the bound store but I am not satisfied by the solution as it's not really an elegant one, and would be glad to hear any suggestions my solution was changing the store to:
filter: {
type: 'list',
store:new myapp.view.main.MainModel().getStore('labelContacts'),
labelField: 'label',
valueField: 'id'