I have a problem with QTextDocument::size()
The size of the document is updated every time user enters something to TextEdit manually. (So in SIGNAL textChanged it works fine). However, I insert some text by code.
When I use this:
int iHeight = textEdit->document()->size().height();
The iHeight is always equal to 21, even though the textEdit has multiple lines of text. When I use the same line of code in the SIGNAL i talked about, the iHeight magically turns into the correct number.
So basically, my question is how to update the document's size so it returns proper number?
You have to set the QDocuments width to the width of the QTextEdit to let it know whether there are line breaks. Afterwards it returns the right size.
QTextEdit textEdit;
textEdit.setText("Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test");
QSizeF size1 = textEdit.document()->size();
QSizeF sizew = textEdit.document()->size();
Indeed, adjustSize is not enough.