Anyone experience with At.js that can help out? I'm trying to:
Little experience with Javascript and jQuery so any help appreciated. FYI I'm using At.js with the amazing Froala WYSIWYG Editor
Here is what I have to get the tags but I'm not sure how to get it into an array.
at: '@',
data: 'URL'
$('#postTagsInput').on("inserted.atwho", function($li, query) {
var postTags = query;
I solved this problem by using a custom "insertTpl" for the inserted mentioned names:
var at_config = {
at: '@',
data: mentionablesList,
displayTpl: '<li><span>${name}</span></li>',
insertTpl: '<a href="${url}" data-type="mentionable" data-id="${id}" data-name="${name}">${name}</a>'
.atwho('setIframe', that.window.getFrame().$)
and then use jQuery to parse the input value and extract all mentioned names:
var commentHtml = CKEDITOR.instances['new-comment'].getData();
var comment = $('<div/>').html(commentHtml).contents();
comment.find('a[data-type="Employee"]').each(function(index, element) {
// do whatever you need with $(element) object
Note: I used CKEditor in my case -- a comment box that allows users to mention other users' names while they are writing a comment. Once the comment is posted, all mentioned names will be added to a list of followers of the post that the comment belongs to.