I am trying to trigger a hook file at the time of commit, but this is not working in EGIT. The same hook file is being executed If I use git bash or tortoisegit. Am I missing anything in the installation? How to fix this. I appreciate your help. For your information, below are the details of my eclipse and eclipse git plugin[EGIT]
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
Version: Mars Release (4.5.0)
Build id: 20150621-1200
and Eclipse EGit version:
Recent versions of EGit (4.x) support commit hooks. If you are on Mars you should already have it, if not try updating from EGit update site.
In order to run them on Windows you need unix-like bash. You can try with Git for Windows, Cygwin or Msys2. Put the folder with sh.exe
on your path and EGit should be able to run your hooks.