I am trying to understand the code-first approach : http://blog.logiticks.com/an-absolute-beginner-s-tutorial-for-understanding-entity-framework-s-database-first-model-first-and-code-first-approaches/
I create the classes, then I don't know where to add the datacontext file? Note that I put my classes in models folder so should i put the context file there too? and how would the project understand where the context file is and create the database from there? I am new to entity framework, any help is appreciated
In EF database is created automatically, at least using Code First approach. When your application hits the context, EF will check and ensure that DB exists and is compatible with your model(OK, I have simplified this, but overall it is true).
As someone in comments suggested, this tutorial doesn't seem like a viable source of knowledge. I strongly encourage you to read e.g. this article.