I'm trying to make a website using asp.net mvc 4 & jQuery 1.9.1 where I want to insert boolean values (Y or N)
in textbox for the corresponding button pressed. It works for a single button, but it's not working for group of buttons. Here are my codes,
$(document).ready(function () {
var isClicked = 0;
$('.btn').click(function () {
if (isClicked == 0) {
isClicked = 1;
$(this).toggleClass('color-blue color-green');
} else if (isClicked == 1) {
isClicked = 0;
$(this).toggleClass('color-green color-blue');
How can I make the buttons work individually?
uYou can use data- attributes with button to store if its click value is 1 or zero and use that value to update the respective textbox
<button class="btn color-blue" data-clicked="0">ONE</button>
<input type="text" class="assignCheck" /><br><br>
<button class="btn color-blue" data-clicked="0">TWO</button>
<input type="text" class="assignCheck" /><br><br>
<button class="btn color-blue" data-clicked="0">THREE</button>
<input type="text" class="assignCheck" />
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.btn').click(function () {
var isClicked = $(this).data("clicked");
if (isClicked == 0) {
isClicked = 1;
$(this).toggleClass('color-blue color-green');
} else if (isClicked == 1) {
isClicked = 0;
$(this).toggleClass('color-green color-blue');
$(this).data("clicked", isClicked);