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How to add plugins to Pretzel?

I'm looking to set up a lightweight CMS for a client and I've been looking into Jekyll + and Pretzel.

Since we run Windows servers and all of our existing data code is in .net, we're leaning towards using Pretzel. However, I have found some really useful looking plugins for Jekyll, and then began investigating if there were anything similar for Pretzel.

Unfortunately, the only info I can find is from some comments on the Pretzel issues on github, that you drop a dll with the right overrides in it into the _plugins folder.

Anyone know if there is a listing or a how to anywhere?

thanks, Marcel


  • The how to is planned but sadly not written right now.

    Nevertheless, to make a plugin you need to create a new .net library project, reference Pretzel.exe and implement an interface from the Pretzel Extensibility folder.
    You have some example of the usage of the interfaces in the code source of Pretzel or on existing plugins (,

    You can still have some problems while developing a plugin but the next version will be plugin friendly and will even accept ScriptCs plugins :)