I'm trying to output some lines to a txt file generated by the program. If I use this line
in place of the one reported in the following snippet, it works. The problem is that I need an absolute path, not a path relative to my working project.
With the following, I get my text file but is empty.
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<wstring> listOfFileNames;
wofstream exportedList;
wstring outputPath
wstring path = L"Y:\\Somepath\\*.jpg";
WIN32_FIND_DATA dataFile;
hFind = FindFirstFile (path.c_str(), &dataFile);
wcout << "File is " << dataFile.cFileName << endl;
while (FindNextFile(hFind,&dataFile)!=0){
wcout << "File is " << dataFile.cFileName << endl;
exportedList << dataFile.cFileName << endl;
return 0;
and friends are not capable of creating a directory. They can only open files (or create new ones) in existing directories. Therefore, you must make sure that the path Y:\Somepath\Otherpath
exists before runnign your program, or you must enhance your program to create it.
The standard C++ library currently has no mechanism to create a directory. Since you're apparently using WinAPI functions, you can use WinAPI functionality for directory creation as well (e.g. CreateDirectory
). Or use another library mechanism, such as Boost's create_directories