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Trying to rename two files in PHP

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04, apache2 + nginx (ISPManager)

My server works with Wowza Media Server, and that server put my recorded .flv videos in {root-of-the-server}/movies

I recieve the name of video from $_GET['rfile'] of the action: $this->request->get('rfile').

The file is created in the folder successfully, I locate it in two ways:

file_get_contents('http://<ip, which sends to {root-of-the-server}>/movies/'.$this->request->get('rfile'));


`find /movies/ -name $rfile`;

To upload my rec videos from the Wowza folder to web-site, I'm trying to rename the file after the recording is stopped:


I use $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], because I need to move the recorded videos automatically, and on the several websites.

Note: I don't put the {root-of-the-server} in my actual script, that's just a placeholder for posting here.

I'm trying to rename this with PHP.
First try:
shell_exec('mv /movies/'.$this->request->get('rfile').''.$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/upload/resume/resume'.$item['id'].'.flv');
Second try:
mv /movies/$rfile /movies/ok-just-rename-it-plz.flv
Third try:
rename(''.$this->request->get('rfile'), ''.$item['id'].'.flv');
Fourth try:
rename('/movies/'.$this->request->get('rfile'), '/upload/resume/resume'.$item['id'].'.flv');

However none of these attempts worked. How can I rename these two files with a http wrapper? Or how can I rename them in another way?


  • My problem of these days was in open_basedir of ISPmanager (open_basedir is turned on by default). I went to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and made these changes:

    <Directory /var/www/USER/data/www/WEBSITE> php_admin_value open_basedir "/movies:/var/www/USER/data:." </Directory>

    instead of

    <Directory /var/www/USER/data/www/WEBSITE> php_admin_value open_basedir "/var/www/USER/data:." </Directory>

    Anyway, thanks to Kevin Nagurski for answer :33