I'm working on a small game template, with a world comprised of nodes like so:
Where a World
can contain multiple Zone
objects, a Zone
can contain multiple Cell
objects, and so on.
Each of these implements the Node
interface, which has a few methods like getParent
, getChildren
, update
, reset
and so on.
I want to be able to execute a given Task
on a single node or recursively down the tree from a node (as specified by the Task
To compound this issue, I would like this to be a "pluggable" system, meaning I want players/developers to be able to add new types to the tree on the fly. I had also considered casting from the base types:
public void doTask(Actor node)
if(!(node instanceof Goblin)) { return; }
Goblin goblin = (Goblin) node;
Initially I was drawn to use the Visitor Pattern to take advantage of double dispatch, allowing each routine (Visitor) to act according to the type of Node
being visited. However, this caused a few complications, specifically when I want to add a new Node
type to the tree.
As an alternative, I wrote a utility class that uses reflection to find the most specific method applicable to the Node
My concern now is performance; since there will be a fairly large number of reflective lookups and calls, I'm worried that the performance of my game (which could have hundreds or thousands of these calls per second) will suffer.
Which seems to solve the problem of both patterns, but makes the code for each new Task
The way I see it, I have three options for allowing this dynamic dispatch (unless I'm missing something obvious/obscure, which is why I'm here):
types (impossible without modifying original code)Node
types with abandonHave I missed something obvious here? I'm familiar with many of the Gang of Four patterns, as well as the ones in Game Programming Patterns. Any help would be appreciated here.
To be clear, I'm not asking which of these is the "best". I'm looking for an alternative to these approaches.
So after some research into Java 8 Lambdas and how they can be constructed reflectively, I came up with the idea of creating a BiConsumer
from the Method
object I had obtained reflectively, with the first argument being the instance on which the method should be invoked and the second argument being the actual argument of the method:
private static <T, U> BiConsumer<T, U> createConsumer(Method method) throws Throwable {
BiConsumer<T, U> consumer = null;
final MethodHandles.Lookup caller = MethodHandles.lookup();
final MethodType biConsumerType = MethodType.methodType(BiConsumer.class);
final MethodHandle handle = caller.unreflect(method);
final MethodType type = handle.type();
CallSite callSite = LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(
type.changeParameterType(0, Object.class).changeParameterType(1, Object.class),
MethodHandle factory = callSite.getTarget();
try {
//noinspection unchecked // This is manually checked with exception handling.
consumer = (BiConsumer<T,U>) factory.invoke();
}catch (ClassCastException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to cast to BiConsumer<T,U>", e);
return consumer;
Once this BiConsumer
has been created, it is cached in a HashMap
using the parameter type and method name as a key. It can then be invoked like so:
consumer.accept(nodeTask, node);
This method of invocation almost entirely eliminates the invocation overhead incurred by reflection, but it does have a couple of issues/constraints:
, only one parameter may be passed into the method (the first argument to the accept
method must be the instance that should have the method invoked on it).
lookup).I could clarify this code a bit by using a custom functional interface (something like an Invoker
class instead of Java's BiConsumer
) but as of right now it does exactly what I want with the performance I want.