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Carrying type information in class template instantiation

I need to access type information from a class I used to instantiate another class.

Specifically void Beta<T>::do_something() needs to accept parameters of type W, S that were used to instantiate class Alpha<W, S>.

template<typename W, S> 
class Alpha {
  using carry_W = W;
  using carry_S = S;

template<typename T> 
class Beta {};
template<typename T>
void Beta<T>::do_something(typename T::carry_W p1, typename T::carry_S p2) {}

Beta<Alpha<int, double>> b;

The solution above works fine but is there any other way to do this without aliasing the types as class members? Is there a more "C++" way of doing this?


  • You can create a class template that consists only of a forward declaration and a partial specialisation.

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    template<typename W, typename S> 
    class Alpha {
    class Beta;
    template<typename W, typename S, template<typename, typename> class T>
    class Beta<T<W,S>> {
      void do_something(W w, S s) {
          cout << w << ", " << s << '\n';
    int main() { 
        Beta<Alpha<int, double>> b;
        b.do_something(0, 0.0);