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How to know the parameters of the page word document with SAX?

How can I know the parameters of the page Word document ( PageSetup ) with SAX? The desired field PaperSize, TopMargin, LeftMargin values , etc.


  • Ok, i found the answer. Use w:pgSz, w:pgMar:

    public Integer PunctToMM(String Punct) {
         long size = Integer.parseInt(Punct);
         size = Math.round(0.3528 * size / 20);
         int value = (int) size;
         return value;
        public void startElement(String uri, String localName,
             String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
             switch (qName) {
             case "w:pgSz":
                 attributesVAL = attributes.getValue("w:w");
                 System.out.println("width page " + PunctToMM(attributesVAL) + " mm.");
                 attributesVAL = attributes.getValue("w:h");
                 System.out.println("height page " + PunctToMM(attributesVAL) + " mm.");
                 attributesVAL = attributes.getValue("w:code");
                 if (attributesVAL == "9") {
                     attributesVAL = "A4";
                 } else attributesVAL = "NO A4";
                 System.out.println("format page " + attributesVAL);
             case "w:pgMar":
                 attributesVAL = attributes.getValue("w:top");
                 System.out.println("top margin " + PunctToMM(attributesVAL) + " mm.");
                 attributesVAL = attributes.getValue("w:right");
                 System.out.println("right margin " + PunctToMM(attributesVAL) + " mm.");
                 attributesVAL = attributes.getValue("w:bottom");
                 System.out.println("bottom margin " + PunctToMM(attributesVAL) + " mm.");
                 attributesVAL = attributes.getValue("w:left");
                 System.out.println("left margin " + PunctToMM(attributesVAL) + " mm.");