I made a website with Lightbox 2 photo gallery. Somehow it displays a "_" (underscore) between each thumbnail image. The image viewer is perfect itself. The thumbnail underscores are haunting me though.
Is there any way to remove the underscores? As you can see there is no underscores in the code.
<a href="images/swan.jpg" data-lightbox="animals">
<img height=183 width=183 src="images/swan.jpg">
<a href="images/bee.jpg" data-lightbox="animals">
<img height=183 width=183 src="images/bee.jpg">
<a href="images/deer.jpg" data-lightbox="animals">
<img height=183 width=183 src="images/deer.jpg">
<a href="images/frog.jpg" data-lightbox="animals">
<img height=183 width=183 src="images/frog.jpg">
The underscore is one or more underlined space characters. Use: