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Two cordova-plugin-device plugins

I have just added the cordova plugin to my ionic project, and it had automatically installed cordova-plugin-device as it is its dependency.

This would be fine, but I already have the plugin installed (as a dependancy of another plugin) under a different name (org.apache.cordova.device). Has anyone got any ideas on whether I should keep both, or how I could remove one.

I think that having both of these plugins is causing the following error and stopping me from building the App.

[INFO:CONSOLE(59)] "Uncaught module cordova-plugin-device.device not found", source: file:///android_asset/www/cordova.js (59)

I have screen dumped the dependency errors I get when trying to uninstall one of the plugins.

enter image description here


  • Easy enough fix, I removed the android platform and then re-added it again. As it went through the install it skipped the second cordova-plugin-device plugin install so now the platform only has it once.

    The App now builds and works as it should.

    Answer was found here -

    NOTE: did not need to remove and add ionic & Cordova, only the Android and iOS platforms