When trying to use angular js $http to post a request to elasticSearch I get an "Unexpected token : " Error.
My code looks like this:
var request= $http({
method: "post",
url: path,
headers:{"Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset: UTF-8"},
"value": $scope.searchTerm,
When looking in the form data section on chrome console I see the json with a trailing colon.
[{"query":{"fuzzy":{"title":{"value": $scope.searchTerm,"fuzziness":"1"}}},
"highlight":{"fields":{"*":{}}}}]: <--- this is the problem
That is strange. Any ideas on how to eliminate the trailing colon?
For anyone who encounter this kind of behavior,
In my case it was because I indexed a document with wrong JSON structure. When using the bulk indexing option with elasticSearch - JSONs with invalid structure are indexed without warning.
The error was actually in the response , not on the http request.
Try re-indexing the document which will probably fix this issue.