I am new to node-mysql but I am having a speed issue that is worrysome because of how simple it is. I am working with a fairly reasonable amount of data (2000 mysql entries) and entering it via connection.query() has become very slow when I use multiple queries. The code is this
var rows = xlsx.rows;
for (var i=0; i<rows.length; ++i) {
var escaped = '';
var values = [];
var row = rows[i];
escaped += 'INSERT INTO Main (name, value, enabled) VALUES ';
var name = row['name'];
var val = row['value'];
var enabled = rows['enabled'];
escaped += '(?,?,?);';
connection.query(escaped, values);
It takes upwards of one minute to input all the rows. The same issue has arisen when I use a multiple statements inside one query. The only time I am able to enter all the rows quickly, and almost instantly, is if I use one string and one entry, a.k.a.
INSERT INTO Main (name, value, enabled) VALUES (?,?,?), (?,?,?), (?,?,?)...
Am I just using the queries in an inefficient manner? Or is there an actual issue with the speed of the queries here?
As mentioned in the comments, this is just a slow way of inserting mysql data, it is much easier to use
connection.query('INSERT INTO Table (col1, col2) VALUES ?', [insert], callback);
where insert
is a variable containing the multiple entry values