I am building a small extjs 5.1 app for personal use, designed to save examples of functions / methods used in my extjs apps.
The most relevant part, has a grid with a list of functions, and a panel with a textarea that displays the contents of records (scripts).
This works.
Now I'm trying to replace the textarea field by CodeMirror editor for optimal scripts viewing and have syntax higlighter.
I downloaded CodeMirror and put it in one the folder of my app with the name CodeMirror.
In my app index file was added:
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "CodeMirror / lib / codemirror.css">
<script src = "CodeMirror / lib / codemirror.js"> </ script>
However, I am not able to access thes files codemirror.css and codemirror.js or add the editor to the panel, for example with
var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea (textarea, {
lineNumbers: true
I would appreciate some guidance on this issue.
I support what Tarabass has advised about including library files. But if you face issue in converting ExtJS textarea component to CodeMirror, then please refer following code:
xtype: 'textarea',
listeners: {
var textAreaElement = textarea.getEl( ).query('textarea')[0];
var editableCodeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textAreaElement, {
mode: "javascript",
theme: "default",
lineNumbers: true
editableCodeMirror.getDoc().setValue("console.log('Hello CodeMirror')");
I have created a fiddle for you; https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/te1