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Programming - Java - Disassociate the merge algorithm from the actions

Currently I'm developing a merge between two sorted collections of elements of type T (the type is not important as long you provide a means to compare the Type, for example, in Java, A Comparator<T> will do the work).

What I don't want is to necessarily merge both data structures involved in the merge process (I don't want to get an entire new structure holding both elements merged). What I want is to have some kind of observer of the merge process in order to define what to do with each merged element in another class. For example, a would like to have something like this:


Where the observer is a object watching the merge algorithm and gets notified of the actions, i mean :

interface MergeObserver<T> {

             * Triggered when the merge algorithm decides to merge only the left entry.
             * This case correspond to the case when there is no equivalent entry on the right collection.
            public void mergeLeft(T entry);

             * Triggered when the merge algorithm decides to merge both entries.
             * This case correspond to the case when there exists the same entry on both collections.
            public void mergeBoth(T left, T right);

             * Triggered when the merge algorithm decides to merge only the right entry.
             * This case correspond to the case when there is no equivalent entry on the left collection.
            public void mergeRight(T entry);

I have already make my implementation for sorted collections, but... I would like to share this feeling, and here comes the question, about if someone has thought of this before, specially in Guava Libraries, and what are the proper terminology employed.


  • The two most commonly used patterns for separating the traversal of a data structure and the processing of the data are the visitor pattern and the iterator pattern. Both of those patterns can be applied not only to real data structures that are present in memory but also to "virtual" data structures (which is probably not the proper term). e.g. the method List.subList in the Java API creates a view of a part of the list. So the List object returned by it is just a reference to part of another lists data. Of course you can also combine data structures. You could for example have a method that takes as arguments two iterators and returns a new iterator that merges the two without using any additional memory because that merged list is not actually present in RAM. If you used Scala instead of Java you would have lots of methods available that can transform iterators in many different ways to achieve effects like this.

    import java.util.function.Predicate;
    import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
    import java.util.function.Supplier;
    import java.util.function.Consumer;
    import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
    interface MyIterator<T> extends Iterator<T> {
      class Peekable<T> {
        private final MyIterator<T> iter;
        private T next = null;
        private boolean isNextBuffered = false;
        private boolean atEnd = false;
        private Peekable(MyIterator<T> iter) {
          this.iter = iter;
        private void advance() {
          if(atEnd) throw new NoSuchElementException();
          if(iter.hasNext()) {
            next =;
            isNextBuffered = true;
          } else {
            atEnd = true;
        private boolean hasNext() {
          if(atEnd) return false;
          if(!isNextBuffered) advance();
          return !atEnd;
        private T next() {
          T next = peek();
          return next;
        private T peek() {
          if(hasNext()) return next;
          throw new NoSuchElementException();
      static <T> MyIterator<T> of(BooleanSupplier hasNext, Supplier<T> next) {
        return new MyIterator<T>() {
          public boolean hasNext() {
            return hasNext.getAsBoolean();
          public T next() {
            return next.get();
      static <T> MyIterator<T> of(Iterator<T> iter) {
        return of(iter::hasNext, iter::next);
      static MyIterator<Integer> range(int start, int end) {
        int[] value = {start};
        return of(() -> value[0] < end, () -> value[0]++);
      default <R> MyIterator<R> map(Function<? super T,? extends R> mapper) {
        return of(this::hasNext, () -> mapper.apply(;
      default MyIterator<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate) {
        Peekable<T> iter = new Peekable<T>(this);
        return new MyIterator<T>() {
          public boolean hasNext() {
            while(iter.hasNext() && !predicate.test(iter.peek())) iter.advance();
            return iter.hasNext();
          public T next() {
      default MyIterator<T> merge(MyIterator<T> other, BiPredicate<? super T,? super T> smallerEqual) {
        Peekable<T> iter1 = new Peekable<T>(this);
        Peekable<T> iter2 = new Peekable<T>(other);
        return of(() -> iter1.hasNext() || iter2.hasNext(),
                  () -> {
                    if(!iter1.hasNext()) return;
                    else if(!iter2.hasNext()) return;
                    else {
                      T elem1 = iter1.peek();
                      T elem2 = iter2.peek();
                      return smallerEqual.test(elem1, elem2) ? :;
    interface MyIterable<T> extends Iterable<T> {
      default Iterator<T> iterator() {
        return myIterator();
      MyIterator<T> myIterator();
      static <T> MyIterable<T> of(Supplier<MyIterator<T>> myIterator) {
        return new MyIterable<T>() {
          public MyIterator<T> myIterator() {
            return myIterator.get();
      static <T> MyIterable<T> of(Iterable<T> iterable) {
        return of(() -> MyIterator.of(iterable.iterator()));
      static MyIterable<Integer> range(int start, int end) {
        return of(() -> MyIterator.range(start, end));
      default <R> MyIterable<R> map(Function<? super T,? extends R> mapper) {
        return of(() -> this.myIterator().map(mapper));
      default MyIterable<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate) {
        return of(() -> this.myIterator().filter(predicate));
      default MyIterable<T> merge(MyIterable<T> other, BiPredicate<? super T,? super T> smallerEqual) {
        return of(() -> this.myIterator().merge(other.myIterator(), smallerEqual));
    public class Test {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        MyIterable<Integer> iterable = MyIterable.range(0, 10);
        MyIterable<Integer> iter1 = -> 2 * x).filter(x -> x < 10);
        MyIterable<Integer> iter2 = -> 2 * x + 1).filter(x -> x < 10);
        MyIterable<Integer> iterMerged = iter1.merge(iter2, (x, y) -> x <= y);