How can I select a paragraph contents in HTML using javascript such that I can apply a onclick function? Here is my code : When I click on the paragraph it selects all the paragraphs in the document but i only want it to select individual paragraph content
function social_share() {
var quote = $("p").text();
window.plugins.socialsharing.share("Follow me on twitter.", quote, null,"url",function(result){
alert('result: ' + result);
}, function(result){
alert('error: ' + result); });
Some data
another paragraph
This line:
var quote = $("p").text();
is selecting all the p
elements (i.e. all the paragraphs), so text()
from all p
elements is all the text from all the paragraphs concatenated together. You need to specify the specific paragraph selected. There are a couple ways to do this.
If you want to specify onclick
in the HTML code, you could do this:
<p onclick="social_share(this)">paragraph text</p>
but generally this is considered bad style. Assuming you're using jQuery, a more fashionable solution might be to do this:
<p class='clickable'>pagagraph text</p>
. . .
function init() {
var pgraphs = $(".clickable"); function() {