i have a background job that is trying to update user balance with a new balance if they won the league
This functions are helper functions which are being called properly but "query.first" in updateUserEarnings function and "then" function inside updateWinningsHelper are never called, at least nothing is shown in log, . And yes I am user masterkey.
var updateUserEarnings = function (User,prizeValue){
//var user = new Parse.User();
console.log("updateUserEarnings Called");
console.log("User Id: " + User.id);//Shown in log fi
console.log("PrizeValue " + prizeValue);//Shown in log file
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
return query.first({
success: function(result){
console.log("updateUserEarnings success");//Never Reached here
var balance;
if (result.get("cashBalance")){
balance = result.get("cashBalance");
balance = 0;
console.log("Current Balance "+ balance + " for "+result.get("DisplayUsername"));
balance = balance + prizeValue;
console.log("User " + result.get("DisplayUsername") + " Balance Updated : " + balance);
return result
console.log("user update error "+error);//never reached here as well
return error;
var updateWinningsHelper = function(index,lastIndex,record){
var winningObj = record.winningObject;
console.log("Winning object "+ JSON.stringify(winningObj));//Shown in log
console.log("Index : "+index + " lastIndex : "+lastIndex);//Shown in log
if (index < lastIndex){
updateUserEarnings(winningObj.get("User"), winningObj.get("League").get("PrizeValue")).then(
console.log("Inside then function");//Never Reached
console.log("Error Happened "+error );//never reached
return winningObj;
Any help is appreciated
Turns out you don't need to query again if you already have User pointer from main query. I included User column with the main query and I can use regular set function to that user.
all i did was
var updateUserEarnings = function (User,prizeValue){
//var user = new Parse.User();
User.set("cashBalance", User.get("cashBalance")+prizeValue);
hope this helps anyone in the future and not waste 5 hours like me.