I have the following line in my javascript running, which will format a cubic equation in latex/mathjax to display, while including variables from the code:
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "$y = $" + xzero + "$ + $" + xone + "$x + $" + xtwo + "$x^2 + $" + xthree + "$x^3$";
What I want to do now is color the part of the equation where the variable is. I thought something like
...= "$y = \color{#AF0}{$" + roundNum(xzero) + "$} + $"...
would work, but it seems evident that it does not. Could I get some help on how I could color the variables in my equation?
Did you do this after your line of code that sets innerHTML of #demo?
MathJax.Callback.Queue(["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, "demo"]);
At me,
"$y = \\color{#AF0}{" + roundNum(xzero) + "} + "... +"$";
worked, and remove dollar signs in the midle of the equation, put them only at the start and the end (like I did).
This is how it should look like:
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "$y = \\color{#AF0}{" + roundNum(xzero) + "} + "... +"$";
MathJax.Callback.Queue(["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, "demo"]);
I doubled the backslashes like @Davide Cervone said.