I have a form which allows drop and also I need to capture the click event.
The tricky part here, is when the user drags and drop the object on the form, the MouseClickEvent
also fired-because he also clicked the mouse to release the drop.
How may I handle each on of this events in a separate event trigger?
Thanks in advance!
This is a short and more logic question so i didn't see a real reason to put pieces of code here..
Add a global boolean, for instance:
private bool isDragAndDrop;
Set it to false when loading the form. When the dragAndDrop event is fired you should set isDragAndDrop = true
When the Click event is fired you check if(!isDragAndDrop)
This will or will not execute the code inside the click event based on the value on the isDragAndDrop -variable.
Before leaving the click event you the set isDragAndDrop = false