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Gridx works fine until VirtualVScroller module is added. Then only shows "loading..."

When I add the Gridx module "VirtualVScroller" to my Grid, only "loading..." and no data is shown. Without the module everything works just fine. I already tried to remove all other modules, but this doesn't help either. Any ideas for my code below?:

], function(Grid, Cache, Memory,CellWidget,Bar,Filter, QuickFilter, ColumnResizer,SingleSort,VirtualVScroller,ColumnWidth,HScroller,Button){

         var myButton = new Button({
            label: "new",
            onClick: function(){
                window.location.href = url;

        var store = new Memory({
            data: datajson
        var grid = new Grid({
                store: store,
                cacheClass: Cache,
                structure: structurejson,
                autoWidth: true,
                barTop: [
                    [{plugin: myButton}],
                    [{pluginClass: "gridx/support/QuickFilter", style: "text-align: right;"}]

                modules: [



  • ok, after hours of testing and debugging I was wondering that my code was working on fiddle, but not in my own environment. The problem was a custom gridx stylesheet, which obviously had some error. The code above is correct, I will now have to take care of the css file.