I have an html player application where user can search a term ,then its populate the result with the time where those words occurs.On clicking that specific sentence the html player starts playing from that location. But with this functionality I want to add some mark on the videogular time line as we see in youtube .
Like youtube you can see the yellow marker at specific time..same way i want the css marker at the particular location.
on right side search box if there is a sentence at 19:00 min then i want to set yellow marker at 19:00 ofvideogular timeline.
on click event of search button:
<button class="btn btn-default side-search" type="button" data-ng-click="inlinSearch()"></button>
var onSearchSuccess = function (response) {
$scope.inlineSearchResult = response.data;
$scope.jsonResult = JSON.parse($scope.inlineSearchResult);
$scope.inlinSearch = function () {
var counterSearch = 0;
var textSearch = $scope.searchkey.toLowerCase().trim();
scopraServices.searchWithin(textSearch, videoId)
.then(onSearchSuccess, function () {
alert("Search Operation failed");
Using ng-repeat I am binding the value on view:
<section class="scroll-content-container">
<article class="scroll-content" data-ng-repeat="sr in jsonResult" data-ng-click="Seek(sr.Location)">
<p ng-bind-html=util.boldText(searchkey,sr.Result[0].Text)></p>
Thanks in advance.
Here you have a demo: http://videogular.com/demo/#/cue-points Full code example: https://github.com/2fdevs/videogular/tree/master/app
Basically, add a few cuepoints to Videogular and style them with CSS. You have a directive to show your cue points (vg-scrub-bar-cue-points):
<videogular vg-cue-points="ctrl.config.cuePoints">
<vg-media vg-src="ctrl.config.sources"></vg-media>
<vg-time-display>{{ currentTime | date:'mm:ss' }}</vg-time-display>
<vg-scrub-bar-cue-points class="myCuepoints"
<vg-time-display>{{ timeLeft | date:'mm:ss' }}</vg-time-display>
vg-scrub-bar-cue-points.myCustomCuepoints .cue-point {
background-color: aqua !important;