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create Directory in Onedrive using android

Hi I am using Microsoft liveSDK for android in may application. I am using follwing method for folder creation.

LiveOperation postAsync(String path, JSONObject body, LiveOperationListener listener)

I need to create directory(folder structure) in Onedrive .I have absoute path(eg: A/B/C).If A/B is already exist, I want to create folder C inside folder B(dont want to Overwirte). Have any method is available for this purpose



  • The LiveSDK does not support creating a folders path hierarchy. You'd need to create a folder, get its id, and then create the tree of sub-folders under that path.

    There is a OneDrive API that does support this functionality,, which allows for both path based lookup, and path hierarchy creation.

    To create a folder craft a request like the following, in this example we will create the folder hierarchy a > b > c > d > e in a single request.

    Content-Type: application/json