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Bookmarklet works correctly when pasted into console but not when the bookmark is clicked

I have the below script which works as expected if the code is pasted into and run directly from the console. However, if I take the exact same code and minify it onto one line myself, running that one line via a bookmark returns Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier. I've also tried minifying using bookmarkleter, but that returns the same error. How do I fix this error and get the script to run correctly as a bookmarklet?

Original code:

javascript:(function() {
    var count = 0;
    var thisUser = Waze.loginManager.user;
    if (thisUser === null) return;
    var usrRank = thisUser.normalizedLevel;
    var UpdateObject;
    if (typeof(require) !== "undefined") {
        UpdateObject = require("Waze/Action/UpdateObject");
    } else {
        UpdateObject = Waze.Action.UpdateObject;

    function onScreen(obj) {
        if (obj.geometry) {
            return (;
        return (false);

    Object.forEach(W.model.segments.objects, function(k, v) {
        if (onScreen(v) && v.isGeometryEditable() && v.attributes.roadType === 3 && v.attributes.lockRank <= usrRank) {
            W.model.actionManager.add(new UpdateObject(v, {
                lockRank: 0

    alert(count + " segments were updated.");

Manually minified:

javascript:(function(){var count = 0;var thisUser = Waze.loginManager.user;if(thisUser === null)return;var usrRank = thisUser.normalizedLevel;var UpdateObject;if(typeof(require)!=="undefined"){UpdateObject=require("Waze/Action/UpdateObject");}else{UpdateObject=Waze.Action.UpdateObject;}function onScreen(obj){if(obj.geometry){return(;}return(false);}Object.forEach(W.model.segments.objects,function(k, v){if(onScreen(v)&&v.isGeometryEditable()&&v.attributes.roadType===3&&v.attributes.lockRank<==usrRank){count++;W.model.actionManager.add(new UpdateObject(v,{lockRank: 0}))}})alert(count+" segments were updated.");})();

Minified with bookmarkleter:



  • Missing semicolon


    Always use semicolons! Your pretty formatted version is missing a few.