I have a google map on the home: http://veganinbudapest.com/
Basically an infobox shows for every listing, however I would like it hidden until you click on a marker then it should show.
Here are my settings for the infobox, maybe someone can help me work out that code.
var myOptions = {
content: boxText
,disableAutoPan: false
,maxWidth: 0
,pixelOffset: new google.maps.Size(maph, mapw)
,zIndex: null
,boxStyle: {
opacity: 0.8
,width: "160px"
,closeBoxMargin: ""
,closeBoxURL: ""
,infoBoxClearance: new google.maps.Size(1, 1)
,isHidden: false
,pane: "floatPane"
,enableEventPropagation: false
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function (e) {
ib.open(map, this);
var ib = new InfoBox(myOptions);
ib.open(map, marker);
Maybe your last line with ib.open(map, marker)
opens it? I can't comment yet but it seems to open on initiation.