I’m trying to write a script for a Unity application (written in Unityscript) which is able to add nodes to an XML document at runtime (using the XmlDocument class). I am encountering issues when trying to declare the 'name' attribute of the new node.
I would like to know how I can create a node with a namespace outside of the default XMLNS attribution (in my case replacing the 'xmlns=' to 'name=') to match the existing markup.
After much time on the MSDN docs I assume this is probably to do with the XmlNameSpaceManager or changing the default namespace, however I am struggling to understand how to implement this (still pretty new to XML in Unity / uJS) so any advice would be very welcome.
Many thanks in advance,
Current code:
function Start(){
//Automatically loads XML doc for save etc
doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.Load(Application.dataPath + "/objMetaTest01.xml");
root = doc.DocumentElement;
Debug.Log("XML Root: " + root.Name);
nodeList = root.SelectNodes("MetaPipeObject");
Debug.Log("***XML Log Begin ***");
Debug.Log("Number of Objects: " + nodeList.Count); //returns total number of MPObjs
for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.Count; i++)
var node = nodeList[i];
//Debug.Log("Node Name: " + node.Attributes["name"].Value);
//Namespace Manager to add namespace to file
//docNameSpace = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
//docNameSpace.AddNamespace("name", doc.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
//Debug.Log("Doc DefaultNamespace: " + docNameSpace.DefaultNamespace);
//Debug.Log("nmsg has 'name' prefix: " + docNameSpace.HasNamespace("name"));
Debug.Log("***XML Log End ***");
public function CreateNewNode(){
//Creates new node for new objects
//will be similar to the replace function to be written soon
//select last MP node to add the new one behind
var lastObjNode = root.SelectSingleNode("MetaPipeObject[last()]");
var newObjNode = doc.CreateElement("MetaPipeObject", "DogTest");
//Create new attribute test
//var nameAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("name");
//"name", "nameTest", doc.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI, doc
newObjNode.InnerXml = lastObjNode.InnerXml; //copy content
root.InsertAfter(newObjNode, lastObjNode); //add to the bottom of the xml doc
doc.Save(Application.dataPath + "/objMetaTest01.xml");
Debug.Log("New Nodes Attribute: " + newObjNode.Attributes);
Debug.Log("New Node Namespace: " + newObjNode.NamespaceURI);
Debug.Log("New Node Name: " + newObjNode.Name);
Debug.Log("New node is: " + newObjNode.InnerText);
Currently Returns
<MetaPipeObject xmlns="DogTest">
<FileName xmlns="">water_drop.obj</FileName>
<Description xmlns="">Text to go here</Description>
<Health xmlns="">10</Health>
<Experience xmlns="">10</Experience>
The result I am wanting:
<MetaPipeObject name="DogTest">
<Description>Text to go here</Description>
After much further research it turns out the solution to creating the desired XML format was two part and much simpler than the route I initially researched.
I hope this helps anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation. The NamspaceManager is another possible route I could have used and assigned a different namespace other than the default, however to resolve my issue this seemed overkill.
Here is the snippet of code I ended up using:
public function CreateNewNode(){
//Creates new node for new objects
//will be similar to the replace function to be written soon
var lastObjNode = root.SelectSingleNode("MetaPipeObject[last()]"); //select last MP node to add the new one behind
var newObjNode = doc.CreateElement("MetaPipeObject");
//Create new attribute test
newObjNode.SetAttribute("name", objName);
newObjNode.InnerXml = lastObjNode.InnerXml; //copy content from above listing
newObjNode.SelectSingleNode("FileName").InnerText = fileName;
newObjNode.SelectSingleNode("Description").InnerText = "No Description Added Yet";
newObjNode.SelectSingleNode("Health").InnerText = "0";
newObjNode.SelectSingleNode("Experience").InnerText = "0";
root.InsertAfter(newObjNode, lastObjNode); //add to the bottom of the xml doc
doc.Save(Application.dataPath + "/objMetaTest01.xml");
Debug.Log("CREATED new node: " + newObjNode.GetAttribute("name"));