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Call a function twice with Assembly and C++

I have a code that changes the function that would be called, to my new function, but I don't want to call only my new function, I also want to call the old one. This is an example, so you can understand what I'm saying:

If I disassemble my .exe, I will look at this part:

      mov   eax, [L00654321] //doesn't matter
      mov   ecx, [eax+1Ch]   //doesn't matter
      push  esi              //the only parameter
0x123 call  SUB_L00999999    //this is the function I wanna overwrite

(0x123 is the address of that line) So, I used this code:

DWORD old;
DWORD from = 0x123;
DWORD to   = MyNewFunction;
VirtualProtect(from, 5, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &old);

DWORD disp = to - (from + 5);
*(BYTE *)(from) = 0xE8;
*(DWORD *)(from + 1) = (DWORD)disp;

Now, instead of calling SUB_L00999999, it calls MyNewFunction...

So... any ideas on how can I still call the old function?

I tried things like this (in many ways), but it crashes my application:

int MyNewFunction(int parameter)
    DWORD oldfunction = 0x00999999;
    _asm push parameter
    _asm call oldfunction

Notes: I use Visual Studio C++ 2010 and these codes are in a .dll loaded in an .exe.



  • I had a problem like this a while back. Anyway, _asm call dword ptr [oldfunction] worked for me.