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Grails/GSP: break out of <g:each>

Is there a way to break out of a <g:each>? I have a page wherein I'm iterating through a list and I have to make sure that a checkbox is checked if that was the value stored in DB.

To make it a little clearer, please consider something like:

<g:each in=${list1}>
    <g:each in=${list2}>
        <g:if test="${ ==}">
            <input type="checkbox" ... checked="checked" />

where list1 is, say Domain1.list() (i.e. ALL possible values) and list2 is Domain2.find(...) (i.e. SELECTED values)

In the g:each, I need to display ALL of list1 (hence, the "..." after the inner each) with a checkbox but I need to make sure that those in list2 (user-selected items that were saved to DB) should be checked accordingly (if statement).

Now, if the checked status was changed on the first iteration, i need to get out of the inner each... any way to do this?



  • Nope, not with the each clause.

    I'd just write my own taglib that takes list1 and list2 and does the iteration for you, yielding back to the

    <g:eachCheckedItem list1="${list1}" list2="${list2}">
        <input type="checkbox" ... checked="checked"/>

    And in your taglib class:

    def eachCheckedItem = { attrs, body ->
        def list1 = attrs.list1
        def list2 = attrs.list2
        list1.findAll { list2.contains(it) }.each {
            out << body(listItem: it)  // access to listItem variable inside gsp

    Something like that (tuned to your specific problem) is easy to write, and also cleans up your gsp file quite a bit. I use these kinds of custom iterators all the time in my taglibs.