i need to share a hashtag (example: #myPlutonicHash) from my website to twitter account. i have used addThis javascript object present in addThis plugin Feature, as shown below
var addthis_share = {};
addthis_share = {
title : 'PlutonicTitle',
passthrough : {
twitter: {
via: "#myPlutonicHash"
From my website, When i click twitter icon to share the title of my website and required #tag, i get the following output which is the default text output format when used field 'via' in twitter textbox.
PlutonicTitle via @#myPlutonicHash
But, i dont need the text 'via' and '@' in my twitter text box. i need to customize the default text output format of field 'via'
My required text output is shown below.
PlutonicTitle #myPlutonicHash
kindly help me out in getting my required output.
You're almost there. Here's how to do it:
var addthis_share = {};
addthis_share = {
title : 'PlutonicTitle',
passthrough : {
twitter: {
hashtags: "myPlutonicHash"
If you want more than one hash tag, separate them with commas like this:
var addthis_share = {};
addthis_share = {
title : 'PlutonicTitle',
passthrough : {
twitter: {
hashtags: "myPlutonicHash,myOtherPlutonicHash"
If you've got more questions send us an email at help@addthis.com