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How to handle nested api calls in flux

I'm creating a simple CRUD app using Facebook's Flux Dispatcher to handle the creation and editing of posts for an English learning site. I currently am dealing with an api that looks like this:


On the show and edit pages for the app, I'd like to be able to show all the information for a given post as well as all of it's sentences and the sentences' words and grammar details all on a single page.

The issue I'm hitting is figuring out how to initiate all the async calls required to gather all this data, and then composing the data I need from all the stores into a single object that I can set as the state in my top level component. A current (terrible) example of what I've been trying to do is this:

The top level PostsShowView:

class PostsShow extends React.Component {
  componentWillMount() {
    // this id is populated by react-router when the app hits the /posts/:id route


  componentWillUnmount() {

  _handlePostsStoreChange() {
    let posts = PostsStore.getState().posts;
    let post = posts[];

    this.setState({post: post});


  _handleSentencesStoreChange() {
    let sentences = SentencesStore.getState().sentences;

    this.setState(function(state, sentences) { = sentences;

    sentences.forEach((sentence) => {

  _handleGrammarsStoreChange() {
    let grammars = GrammarsStore.getState().grammars;

    this.setState(function(state, grammars) { = grammars;

  _handleWordsStoreChange() {
    let words = WordsStore.getState().words;

    this.setState(function(state, words) { = words;

And here is my PostsActions.js - the other entities (sentences, grammars, words) also have similar ActionCreators that work in a similar way:

let api = require('api');

class PostsActions {
  get(params = {}) {
      actionType: AdminAppConstants.FETCHING_POST

    api.posts.fetch(params, (err, res) => {
      let payload, post;

      if (err) {
        payload = {
          actionType: AdminAppConstants.FETCH_POST_FAILURE
      else {
        post = res.body;

        payload = {
          actionType: AdminAppConstants.FETCH_POST_SUCCESS,
          post: post


The main issue is that the Flux dispatcher throws a "Cannot dispatch in the middle of a dispatch" invariant error when SentencesActions.fetch is called in the _handlePostsStoreChange callback because that SentencesActions method triggers a dispatch before the dispatch callback for the previous action is finished.

I'm aware that I can fix this by using something like _.defer or setTimeout - however that really feels like I'm just patching the issue here. Also, I considered doing all this fetching logic in the actions itself, but that seemed not correct either, and would make error handling more difficult. I have each of my entities separated out into their own stores and actions - shouldn't there be some way in the component level to compose what I need from each entity's respective stores?

Open to any advice from anyone who has accomplished something similar!


  • But no, there is no hack to create an action in the middle of a dispatch, and this is by design. Actions are not supposed to be things that cause a change. They are supposed to be like a newspaper that informs the application of a change in the outside world, and then the application responds to that news. The stores cause changes in themselves. Actions just inform them.


    Components should not be deciding when to fetch data. This is application logic in the view layer.

    Bill Fisher, creator of Flux

    Your component is deciding when to fetch data. That is bad practice. What you basically should be doing is having your component stating via actions what data it does need.

    The store should be responsible for accumulating/fetching all the needed data. It is important to note though, that after the store requested the data via an API call, the response should trigger an action, opposed to the store handling/saving the response directly.

    Your stores could look like something like this:

    class Posts {
      constructor() {
        this.posts = [];
          handlePostNeeded: PostsAction.POST_NEEDED,
          handleNewPost: PostsAction.NEW_POST
      handlePostNeeded(id) {
          api.posts.fetch(id, (err, res) => {
      handleNewPost(post) {
        //code that saves post

    All you need to do then is listening to the stores. Also depending if you use a framework and which one you need to emit the change event (manually).