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Image Width Height Via AngularJS (ng-file-upload)

I need to validate the image width - height on the basis of 1:3 ratio. I am using ng-file-upload to upload the image. The validation needs to be done before sending it to server.

I am clueless about how to get the image width/height from the selected image. Can somebody help me out ?

I am following the tutorial from this site :


  • That would be a feature request for the plugin. As a workaround you can do this:

    <div ngf-select ngf-model="image" ngf-validate-fn-async="validateRatio(image)" ngf-pattern="'image/*'" accept="image/*" >
    $scope.validateRatio = function(image) {
      var defer = $q.defer();
      Upload.imageDimensions(image).then(function(d) {
        if (d.width / d.height === expectedRatio) {
        } else {
      }, function() {defer.reject();});
      return defer.promise;


    <div ngf-select ngf-model="image" ngf-pattern="'image/*'" ngf-min-height="0" accept="image/*" >
    <div ng-show="image.width && (image.width / image.height !== expectedRatio)">Invalid ratio?

    EDIT Feature is added You can have

    <div ngf-select ngf-model="image" ngf-ratio="1x3" ngf-pattern="'image/*'" accept="image/*" >