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How to add theme in Visual Studio Code?

I recently downloaded the VS code editor which is really nice. but the only problem I find in it is the color theme, I am use to monokai color theme like in sublime text and I can't find a way to edit the color theme or download a color theme there are only 2 options:

  1. Dark Theme
  2. Light Theme

How can I add my own theme or duplicate existing one so I will be able to edit the color scheme as I want to?

I manage to change some of the colors in the following file but still I don`t know how to add completely new theme:


Looks like color themes will be available soon and it will be a part of a plugin system



  • Visual Studio Code 0.9.0 and later

    There's an official documentation on how to add a custom theme.

    You need a .tmtheme file for the theme you want to add. You can find existing files e.g. on GitHub, ColorSublime or you can define your own theme file (for example with tmTheme-Editor).

    After finding a .tmtheme file you have two ways to create an extension based on it.

    1. Using a Yeoman generator:

      • Install node.js (if you haven't already done)
      • Install yo (if you haven't already done) by executing npm install -g yo
      • Install the Yo generator for code: npm install -g generator-code
      • Run yo code and select New Color Theme
      • Follow the instructions (define the .tmTheme file, theme name, ui theme etc.)
      • The generator creates a directory for your extension with the name of the theme in your current working directory.
    2. Create the directory on your own:

      • Create a directory with the name of your plugin (only lowercase letters). Let's say we call it mytheme.
      • Add a subfolder themes and place the .tmTheme file inside of it
      • Create a file package.json inside the root of the extension folder with content like this
          "name": "theme-mytheme",
          "version": "0.0.1",
          "engines": {
              "vscode": ">=0.9.0-pre.1"
          "publisher": "me",
          "contributes": {
              "themes": [
                      "label": "My Theme",
                      "uiTheme": "vs-dark", // use "vs" to select the light UI theme
                      "path": "./themes/mytheme.tmTheme"

    Finally add your extension to Visual Studio Code

    Copy the extension folder to the extension directory. This is:

    • on Windows %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions

    • on Mac/Linux $HOME/.vscode/extensions

    Restart VSCode and select the new theme in File -> Preferences -> Color Theme

    Visual Studio Code 0.8.0

    It's possible to add new themes in Visual Studio Code 0.8.0 (released for insiders on 2015-08-31 become an insider).

    After installing VSCode 0.8.0 or higher do this to apply your own theme:

    1. Download a .tmTheme file or create your own (for example with tmTheme-Editor)

    2. Copy the .tmTheme file to %CODEFOLDER%/resources/app/plugins/vs.theme.starterkit/themes

    3. Register the .tmTheme file in %CODEFOLDER%/resources/app/plugins/vs.theme.starterkit/ticino.plugin.json by adding an entry for it like this:

          "id": "vs-theme-mynewtheme", // internal ID
          "label": "MyNewTheme",       // displayed name for the theme
          "uiTheme": "vs-dark",        // general UI appeareance (
                                       // "vs" for light themes, 
                                       // "vs-dark" for dark themes)
          "path": "./themes/myNewTheme.tmTheme" // file path 
    4. Restart VSCode and select the new theme in File -> Preferences -> Color Theme