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Want to stop milliseconds from increasing

I'm trying to create a timer app, but I have this problem with milliseconds.

When someone activates the timer I save the current milliseconds and then I just this to get the difference between them

long startMillisecond; long i = System.currentMillisecond() - startMillisecond

and then I display this variable i with some other code. However when I pause my program my variable i stays on the right value, but when I start the program again I get the "wrong" value since System.currentMillisecond() keeps increasing (internally), so it looks like it "jumps" over a couple of seconds

Example: Start app > variable i = System.currentMillisecond() - startMillisecond is equal to 0. And now if I pause for 5 seconds and then resume my variable i have the value of 5.

Anyone knows how I can let it be on the same value when I paus?

EDIT. Here is my code for my run function

String tempstring;

int millisec,sec,min,hour;

Handler handler;
Runnable runnable;

SensorManager mSensor;
Sensor accSensor;

Button startButton,stopButton,resetButton;
TextView whiteplayertime,blackplayertime,xt,yt,zt;

public void StartTimer(View view){
    mSensor.registerListener(this, accSensor, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL);
    handler = new Handler();
    runnable = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {

           if(startmillisec <= 0){
                startmillisec = System.currentTimeMillis();
            tempmillisec = System.currentTimeMillis() - startmillisec;

            millisec = tempmillisec;
            millisec /= 100;
            millisec = millisec % 10;
            sec = TU.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(tempmillisec);
            sec = sec % 60;
            min = TU.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(tempmillisec);
            min = min % 60;
            hour = TU.MILLISECONDS.toHours(tempmillisec);
            hour = hour % 24;
            tempstring = String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d:%d",hour,min,sec,millisec);
  ; //This is the last in the code


  • Simple save elapsed from the last stop value and save in a variable if the timer is ongoing or not.

    public MyTimer {
        private long startTime;
        private long elapsed;
        private boolean running;
        public void start() {
            startTime = System.currentTimemillis();
            running = true;
        public void stop() {
            elapsed = elapsed + System.currentTimemillis() - startTime; 
            running = false;   
        public long getElapsed() {
            if (running) {
                return elapsed + System.currentTimemillis() - startTime;
            } else {
                return elapsed;