When I set up the panel with the filename written in for the ImageIcon it works fine:
public TitlePanel(){
setLayout(new BoxLayout( this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS ));
ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon("images/q0.png");
JLabel imageLabel = new JLabel( image);
add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(150,40)));
However when I pass the ImageIcon a string, it stops working with no error message. The image just does not come up, but it prints out the right string path:
public static String imageName = "\"images/q0.png\"";
public TitlePanel(){
setLayout(new BoxLayout( this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS ));
ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon(imageName);
JLabel imageLabel = new JLabel( image);
add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(150,40)));
The file hierarchy is as follows:
Does anyone know why this would cause ImageIcon to not be able to find the file?
public static String imageName = "\"images/q0.png\"";
Quotes should not be part of the filename.
The code should be:
public static String imageName = "images/q0.png";
This is not just for filenames, it is for any variable. You don't include the quotes as part of the string.